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NSABP Foundation, Inc.

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Clinical Trials Information
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  Never Say Lost

Treatment Trials Information
  Protocol B-51
  Protocol B-52
  Protocol B-53/S1207
  Protocol B-55/BIG 6-13

Prevention Trials Information
  Protocol P-1 - BCPT
  Protocol P-2 - STAR

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Annotated Bibliography of NSABP Publications

Validation of a Self-Reported Neurotoxicity Scale in Patients With Operable Colon Cancer Receiving Oxaliplatin.
Kopec JA, Land SR, Cecchini RS, Ganz PA, Cella D, Costantino JP, Wieand HS, Smith RE, Kuebler JP, Wolmark N.
J Supp Oncol. 2006;4(8):W1-W8. [Epub only]

Standardized questionnaires are important tools for evaluating adverse effects associated with new cancer treatments. This randomized trial, which assessed the measurement properties of the modifed Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy/Gynecologic Oncology Group-Neurotoxicity scale, was conducted in a subsample of patients participating in the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project Protocol C-07.